
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Caramel Corn!

Crispy, buttery caramel corn

Another recipe to prepare us for fall...
This caramel corn is dry and crisp, not sticky like some caramel corn I've encountered. It's got a rich brown sugar and butter flavor, of course, and I like to eat it 'til I get sick. If you want the full "Oh-my-gosh-I-think-I-ate-too-much" experience, only use four quarts of popcorn. If you're on a diet, or if are simply more sensible, use the whole 8 quarts.  You can figure out your preference after making it a couple of times.
I think this recipe comes originally from my dear friend Cheryl Tellers-now-Whitney. Thanks, Cheryl!

Crispy Caramel Corn

Preheat oven to 250°.

Combine in a medium to large microwavable dish:

  • 1 C brown sugar
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1/4 C light corn syrup
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • Put in microwave on high until butter is mostly melted and then stir to combine ingredients. Bring to a boil by cooking on high for about 2 minutes. Remove and add:
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda

Put 4-8 quarts air-popped* popcorn into a huge bowl. Pour above syrup stuff over popcorn and mix thoroughly. Spread popcorn onto two non-stick cookie sheets. Bake at 250° for 1 hour, stirring every 15 minutes, rotating pans between top and bottom shelves. Remove from oven; stir immediately. Stir occasionally while cooling. Store in an airtight container.

*Most recently I popped my popcorn in a pan with canola and coconut oils, and I think the caramel corn turned out even better. My air popper just isn't performing well these days. Lucky for me, I guess.

Caramel Corn made with Tiny But Mighty Popcorn

1 comment:

  1. You sweet thing!
    I had lost this recipe....probably wrote it down on a portion of a brown paper bag (aren't those the best ones?) or maybe just gave my only copy to you! Great to see it never went to waste!
    Your blog is amazing Kell. move to the Central coast and we can start a would be knockout, don't you think? I 'll find the location, you come and we will rock it! Love to you, Cheryl


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